Small Business Websites Design and SEO Services - Australia


We have carefully curated the blog posts to enlighten you on the fundamental tricks of running a digital business. We will also be talking about the tricks of the trade inspired by the leaders of the Australian market or as we like to call them: The giants of a digital world

So in this post lets’ talk about social media and its’ impact on small Australian businesses

As business owners, you need to utilize online networking to interface and speak with your clients. This strategy not only gives you an edge in front of your rivals who haven’t woken up and started communicating with customers online. But also the fact that your product is accessible as mentioned in our last blog post.

Sensis recently issued a report providing details about the online life scene in Australia featuring some extremely fascinating patterns. Let’s look at the data and after that our interpretation of the conceivable ramifications for entrepreneurs.

 Australia is online consistently and its web usage is 99%

76% of individuals utilize their advanced mobile phones to get to the web. Around 9 million Australians are utilizing the internet once a day and 4 million use it in excess of 5 times each day.


Mornings and evenings are the prime time on social media platforms to post content. Facebook is the most dominating in terms of the number of audiences, about 95% male and females are on Facebook.

The implications of this data are huge.


The fact that your potential audience spends most of its time on Facebook, can help you direct your marketing strategy and plan accordingly. It also helps in humanizing your brand. In this day and age, businesses will only thrive if they are relatable. There is too much noise and to cut through it, brands need to have a story to tell, to be relatable. These days, consumers care just as much about whom they’re buying from as they do about what they’re buying.


Constant communication. In this day and age, if your brand is on social media, it means you are with them all the time. Ads is another way through which you can communicate with your customers. To be honest, social media are Ad companies and should be thought of as a platform to advertise your brand. Through these platforms, you can also keep a constant check on your rivalry.


Building an audience. Every potential customer you gain is one more person that could potentially share your content or products with a friend. One like,  one comment, one share is equivalent to virtual profit. The reach multiplies for your brand and attention is gained.

Alright mates! Keep reading our blogs to know more about these tricks and tips. We are confident that these tricks will help your business float and go up in no time. To know more about website development and design contact our sales team.


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